24.01.2025 01:54
Departed FedEx hub
23.01.2025 19:57
Item Delivered [To: hdfc bank (Addressee) ]
OKLAHOMA CITY,OK 73132,OKLAHOMA CITY,OK 73132,Accepted at USPS Destination Facility
23.01.2025 14:01
Processed Through Facility
Xiaoshan District
23.01.2025 08:04
Prepared for despatch to the UK
23.01.2025 02:08
Departed from [Beijing mail terminal transportation ], next stop [Shanghai city business delivery department airlines center Goodman package ]
22.01.2025 20:11
Shipment information sent to FedEx
Shiyan city network operations center package processing team, Shiyan
22.01.2025 14:15
Item received
Minhou street operational department, Fuzhou
22.01.2025 08:18
Received by local delivery company
Guangzhou International Mail Processing Center, Guangzhou city
22.01.2025 02:22
Processed Through Facility
NEW YORK, NY, 11430
21.01.2025 20:25
Arrived Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item
21.01.2025 14:29
International item processed in originating country
Modi Nagar SO
21.01.2025 08:32
Arrive at international airport to abroad
Stockholm, STOCKHOLM
21.01.2025 02:36
Arrived at Facility
Nanchang city, arrived at Nanchang transport center
20.01.2025 20:39
Outbound in sorting center
20.01.2025 14:43
Departed by air
Santa Fe Springs,CA
20.01.2025 08:46
Hand over to airline
Itasca IL
Tracking numbers examples: